Can a Bear Attack You in a Car?

Going through an area with known bear activity always poses certain risks. Bear attacks on humans don’t happen as often as you think, with the most common attack reports centered around mothers...

How Long Do Bear Attacks Last?

People who spend their time in bear country are likely to wonder how long an attack lasts. After all, no one would want to be caught in the middle of a bear fight, and knowing how long attacks...

Will Pepper Spray Stop Dog Attacks?

Whether you’re a police officer or mail carrier, a hiker or biker, or just someone enjoying a walk around the block, a threatening dog is a danger you may someday have to face. How can you stop an...

Do Burglars Hurt or Kill Dogs?

Dogs are one of the best “weapons” homeowners have at their disposal against dangerous burglars—or at least we think so. In some cases, the lives of dogs might be in serious danger. Do burglars...

Will a Panda Bear Attack You?

Pandas and their fight to overcome the threat of extinction has given the world the impression that these creatures are simple, gentle giants. However, these animals are still bears. If you threaten...

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