Do Burglars Hurt or Kill Dogs?

Dogs are one of the best “weapons” homeowners have at their disposal against dangerous burglars—or at least we think so. In some cases, the lives of dogs might be in serious danger. Do burglars kill or even hurt dogs at all?

Burglars can often hurt and even kill dogs during robberies. Many burglars use strong poison or, more commonly, various tranquilizers to deter dogs from attacking or making any noise. Burglars will often kill dangerous dogs with a weapon that doesn’t make a noise, such as a knife. 

If you want to know more about various ways burglars hurt and kill dogs so you can know how to protect your beloved “guardian angel,” continue reading this article. I’ll also mention other, maybe better, ways you can protect your home without a sentry dog.

How Burglars Usually Hurt or Kill Dogs

Let’s suppose you have a boxer guarding your property, so you naturally feel pretty comfortable that burglars wouldn’t dare come anywhere near a dog like that. Although boxers are one of the best sentry dogs, many desperate and crazy burglars (and there are a lot of them) have their methods on how to “silence” that dog.


Normally, burglars first spend a decent amount of time studying everything about you and your habits. If they notice you have a dog, they’ll either give up (which is unlikely if they think they can make a pretty buck robbing you) or come prepared. One of the definite must-haves for burglars is some kind of poison that can act quickly. 

Many burglars opt for a poison called aldicarb to get rid of the dog or at least to distract it, as a dog may still survive the poisoning if used in small doses. The symptoms of this poison after consumption include:

  • Vomiting
  • Tremors
  • Diarrhea

If you’ve been robbed and you notice your dog is acting strangely, lacks energy, or has any of these symptoms above, get it to the nearest vet to start the treatment. 


When it comes to hurting dogs, another common weapon for many burglars is tranquilizers that have the desired effect—to drug and put dogs to sleep while burglars go about their business robbing everything of value in your home. 

What burglars usually do is mix a tranquilizer with some food (usually raw, juicy meat) and lure the dog into taking the food. Then, they wait for the sedative to kick in, after which they start robbing the property without any cause for concern. 

Unlike poison, tranquilizers are usually safe for dogs, and the effect lasts for a limited time. After that, the dog gets better without any serious side effects. 

Noiseless Weapons

Unfortunately, there are some cases where burglars aren’t particularly interested in keeping a guard dog alive—they simply don’t care if they have to kill the dog to get what they want. And then there are some burglars who’re, well—new to the business, shall we say, so they don’t spend any time checking if you have a dog at all. 

It must be a big surprise when they break into a house and are greeted by a pit bull. Often they kill the dog because they don’t know what to do at that moment. The usual weapon of choice is a sharp, silent weapon that won’t wake the homeowner up. In most cases, that’s a knife.

Another example, as reported in the news, was a bludgeon used by some teenagers to kill a dog during a burglary. These weapons are cheap and can be found everywhere, which is precisely why “amateur” burglars often use them. 

Do Dogs Protect From Intruders? 

Dogs can protect from intruders only if they’re sentry dogs, which means they were trained to do so. A dog’s size doesn’t mean it’ll be good protection, but it can be a deterrent for many burglars. Another deterrent is a barking dog that serves as an alarm.

What various studies and reports consistently point out is that burglars will usually avoid properties they know have a dog. It’s just not worth the risk, even though a dog might be a friendly one—which is often a problem for homeowners. 

Getting any large and dangerous-looking dog won’t cut it—your dog needs to be trained to protect you against intruders. Otherwise, what’ll usually happen is the dog acknowledging an intruder and then getting scared or even friendly with the people they were supposed to attack.

Alternatives to Guard Dogs

If you have a dog that’s not trained to protect you from burglars, or if you’re just planning on buying one, you might want to consider some other options that are perhaps more successful against burglary.

Alarm System

Don’t get me wrong, dogs can, in a sense, serve as a living alarm system—they bark if they notice a burglar. But let’s be honest—you can’t poison or tranquilize an electric alarm. That’s why alarm systems are better for your overall safety.

Besides, most burglars will try to enter a house when there’s no one in. An alarm will do a better job of alerting the neighbors and the local poilice. If you’re curious about when burglars prefer to attack, you can read my article on the topic.


Even if you buy security cameras and they stop working overtime for whatever reason, it’s enough they’re there, and burglars will stay away from your property. Cameras are a really good investment in your security, and they’re more reliable than a guard dog.

There are some really cheap options you can consider. I recommend Hotfenlee’s Wireless Video Doorbell Camera (available on It’s a doorbell camera, but what’s really great is that it has a motion detector, so if anyone tries to break in through the door, you’ll have the footage.  

“Beware Dangerous Dog” Sign

Believe it or not, many people put up the “beware dangerous dog” sign even when they don’t have a dog. Dogs, in general, cost a lot of money, from grooming to feeding and medical expenses. It’s just not a cheap way to keep you secure (and, in some cases, not even that). A more creative way that might keep some burglars away is to only buy the sign. 


Dogs can be a great way to keep burglars away from your property only if they’re trained for that purpose. The most common ways burglars hurt or kill dogs is by:

  • Poison
  • Tranquilizer
  • A weapon that doesn’t make a sound, such as a knife. 

Remember that there are more effective options apart from guard dogs, such as:

  • Cameras
  • Alarms
  • “Beware dangerous dog” signs

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