Unique Effectiveness Of Systema For Self-Defense & Real Fights

systema self defense

While investigating various types of martial arts one must wonder what the purpose is. Are all martial arts purely designed to be a practice or a sport, or are some of them indeed quite effective as a form of self-defense or in a real fight? I have spent some time comparing the different types of martial arts and today I would like to focus on Systema. If you are wondering if Systema is good for self-defense, you are about to find out.

Is Systema good for self-defense and real fighting? Yes, Systema can be good for self-defense and real fighting if it is taught as such (with a focus on self-defense). Systema is very much like Krav Maga in that the end game is to decimate the attacker/opponent at all costs. Systema’s techniques are focused around combat.

It’s interesting to note that Systema is a popular martial art for law enforcement officers seeking out simple techniques that are both powerful and highly effective. It’s not just for law enforcement though. Hollywood stunt artists looking for impressive moves that are not “fake”, often take Systema lessons too. If you have been thinking about learning Systema not just for sport and fitness but actually for self-defense, perhaps you would like to learn more about the art? If so, read on.

What Is Systema?

A good starting point to knowing Systema is to have an understanding of what it is. Systema is quite different in that it’s not an Eastern martial art. It’s a Russian system of self-defense. Its reputation has grown over the years because most people who truly know and practice Systema have a background in Special Forces or the military. This alone should tell you that Systema is an excellent art to learn if self-defense is your main priority. As a practitioner of Systema, you will be taught to fight effectively from any position and in any situation, regardless of the circumstances.

The art of Systema surfaced in 1962. It’s quite interesting to note that the fighting system was actually developed from Cossack fighting, which was used by the KGB in counter-terrorism groups. The Russian Special Forces (called the Spetsnaz) started using Systema for self-defense in their operations.

Is Systema Really An Effective Self-Defense Form?

Something that I have come to realize while investigating the different forms of martial arts out there is that how you apply the art will determine how effective it is in a combat situation. If you learn a martial art with all the necessary self-defense moves but are never taught to apply them to a real-life fight situation or never practice the moves with a partner who wants to “win” just as much as you do, chances are that your martial art won’t prove very effective in a self-defense situation or if you are attacked in a bar or on the street.

Systema, when taught and practiced correctly can be every bit as brutal and lethal as Krav Maga. Granted; you will spend more time learning Systema than you will Krav Maga.

What Makes Systema Such A Good Form of Self-Defense & So Effective in a Real Fight?

You might wonder what sets Systema apart from Judo for instance, or any other martial art for that matter. The difference is that Systema doesn’t have a lot of rules attached. In fact, it’s a fairly free martial art in that anything goes, as long as you overcome your opponent. Some might say that the only rules Systema has are its morals.

There are also various styles of Systema for a practitioner to draw from when confronted with a combat situation. These styles include Systema Kadochnikova, Systema Ryabko, Systema Vasiliev, and Systema Talanov.

If you take the time to read through blogs and forums of people who have practiced the art of Systema for many years, you will notice a common theme being mentioned. Many practitioners have the deep understanding that it is the raw principles of the art that make it so effective in real fighting and self-defense.  When learning the principles of Systema, you will learn to have a peaceful mind, calm stance, and flexible body. There are four “pillars” that form the principles of Systema and these include: body position, movement, relaxation, and breathing. The main objective is to use the movement and balance of the opponent against him and also to take advantage of his pressure points while using strikes and weapons at will. It sounds “hardcore” because it is!

Basic Systema Moves That Will Serve You Will In A Real Fight (or in Self-Defense)

You might already be wondering if there are a few basic Systema moves that you can learn that will put you in a better position if you are mugged, attacked or get yourself into a brawl at the local bar. Of course, while fighting shouldn’t be something you instigate, it’s good to know that you have the self-defense skills to keep you safe. And Systema will prepare you for that. Below are a few basics you will be taught in Systema. Learning these will put you in a position of power in a real fight or if confronted with a situation where self-defense is needed.

Hand to Hand Combat

Military organizations usually teach their troops hand-to-hand combat. This is close range fighting between 2 or more people. When learning hand to hand combat, you will be taught how to effectively overcome an attacker (or attackers) when being attacked within grappling range. You will also be taught how to handle yourself if there are weapons such as guns or knives involved.

Ground Fighting

In Systema, you will be taught a variety of unique techniques to use to overcome an attacker regardless of which position and angle they come from. You will be taught how to overcome multiple attackers from the ground. This focuses on how to fight off choking, kicking, stabbing, grabbing and more, while unarmed. Ground fighting in Systema focuses on correct breathing, body movement techniques to avoid injury, and training that optimizes both body and mental strength. System will teach you to let go of inner tension and fear and rather focus on the end game.

Disarming Weapons

Disarming weapons is an important part of training in Systema. When being attacked, often the attacker will have a weapon of some sort. It could be a gun, knife, stick, club – anything really! Systema will teach you how to make use of advanced techniques to defend yourself and disarm your attacker, while you are armed and unarmed.


Systema punching is a little different to other fighting forms. A Systema punch is one that is delivered hard but not particularly quick. Once impact has been made with the attacker, the fist is held in place just a little longer so that when the attacker tenses and relaxes, there’s an extra kick to the muscle or strike zone.

What’s The Most Unique & Effective Part of Systema For Self-Defense?

After reading a plethora of blogs, articles, and forums, I have come to the conclusion that Systema striking is not only unique, it is one of the most effective striking forms across all martial arts. What’s different about Systema striking is that it is only as effective as it is designed to be, if your arms and shoulders are relaxed while delivering the blow.

The strikes in this particular martial art are meant to achieve dynamic, flowing, 3-dimensional movement.

When it comes to Systema striking, nothing about it relies on your strength and size. Everything relies on timing, accuracy and precision. If you have the right technique, you can be effective, regardless of your strength and size. Even the smallest fighter can take on the biggest and most powerful fighter if their strikes are focused on those elements. Of course, you will be taught all of this in your Systema self-defense classes.

What To Wear To Your First Systema Class

What do Systema practitioners wear? Is there a uniform? Before heading off to your very first Systema class for self-defense, I recommend taking the time to sit in on a class or two to get a real feel for the art and what’s entailed. Once you are ready, book that first class. If you have watched a Systema class in action or spent time watching YouTube videos of the art, you will notice that there is no official uniform to wear. You can actually wear whatever you like, as long as it is comfortable and doesn’t interfere with your free movement. A lot of people wear regular gym kit to their Systema training sessions. Alternatively, you can wear loose fitting pants and a t-shirt or vest. Long pants are often preferred because a lot of the work in a class is done on the ground. While it’s not something to “wear”, it is also a good idea to take a towel and a bottle of water with you as you will sweat a lot, and you will certainly become tired and thirsty.

What Equipment Is Used To Learn Systema?

You might be wondering about the equipment used in training Systema. Most newbies worry that training equipment and gear is going to be expensive and that can sometimes put them off learning a new martial art or self-defense system. The good news is that you won’t have to invest in any expensive equipment when learning and practicing Systema. This means that you can do Systema anytime, anywhere.

How Long Does It Take To Learn Systema?

How much time can you expect to spend on learning Systema? Will it take a long time before you are able to defend yourself? When learning a new martial art for self-defense, it is natural to want to know how long it is going to take before you can effectively protect yourself or a loved one in a confrontation or combat situation. Becoming a master in Systema can take a lifetime. After all, there is always more to learn and no one is ever going to be perfect or flawless at an art with no actual “rules”.

You will certainly notice a change in your abilities after the first 3 weeks of training, but in order to be proficient enough to defend yourself in a violent or confrontational situation, prepare to put a few good months of training in, of at least 3 sessions per week. Just like any skill or martial art, the more you put in, the more you will get out. If you dedicate yourself to consistent practice and dedicate yourself to learning, you could become proficient and highly-skilled in just a few months. Most online resources say that at around 6 months of regular training, practitioners have what is needed to calmly and confidently defend themselves in a variety of threatening situations.

Does Systema Have A Belt or Grading System

Let’s talk about the belt or grading system for a bit. Does Systema have one? If you are looking to learn a martial art for self-defense that comes with belts or a grading system, Systema is going to disappoint you. You might already know that Systema is nothing like Oriental martial arts, where the concept of belts and grading actually comes from. Systema is based on European training and so has no formal pattern of movement, no grading system, and no belts. You don’t have to reach any particular “grade” to defend yourself – at least that’s the belief in Systema.

Last Word

Before choosing a martial art to learn, take the time to consider the type of martial art it is and what you actually want to get out of it. If you are learning a martial art for the traditions and discipline, then an Oriental martial art might be more your cup of tea. If you are looking for a martial art that is effective in self-defense and puts you at an advantage in a variety of threatening or dangerous situations, then arts such as Systema and Krav Maga should be on your radar.

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