Do Gun Signs Deter Burglars?

The security of a person’s household can take many forms. Some people will stick to security systems, while others will add extra measures like employing signs. One type of sign includes gun signs.

Gun signs do deter some burglars. However, thieves are known to surveil homes for times when a homeowner is not home so they can break in without worry of confrontation. In these cases, a gun sign will do nothing to prevent the burglar from breaking and entering.

In this post, I’ll explain whether or not gun signs effectively deter burglars. I’ll also provide other ways to secure your home from thieves and discuss the importance of choosing a good security system.

Using Gun Signs for Home Protection

Gun signs are security signs that warn people that the owner in question carries a firearm. They can represent that the carrier uses a firearm of any kind and can appear simply with the image of a gun or give prospective intruders a verbal warning (i.e., “Trespassers Will Be Shot”).

A strategically placed security sign can protect your home from burglars. However, it should be used as a part of your home security, not as the only form of protection.

You may use the sign if you are looking to restrict or deter burglars from entering your home, even if you don’t actually own a gun. Gun signs are the loudest form of declaration for everyone to see. However, they may lose their efficiency over time, especially for burglars who frequent an area.

On the other hand, if you are a gun owner, your gun is a far better deterrent against would-be criminals than a sign. 

Possible Increase in Risk Due to Gun Awareness

Gun signs and gun ownership may deter criminals at first. But unfortunately, they also have the effect of attracting criminals to homeowners. Some burglars may learn about the presence of a gun owner by spotting the gun signs and may use that knowledge to carry their gun as well.

Burglars that carry a firearm are likely to use it to detain the homeowner before the homeowner can reach theirs.

In 2015, Devin Hughes wrote the article “Why I Want Crooks to Know That My House is a Gun-Free Zone,” which examined the usage of guns for home protection. 

His report argued that since burglary usually occurs without warning, this may lead to a more significant risk than the homeowner using the gun on the burglar. However, it turns out that burglaries resulting in gun violence or homicides were low. 

He even added an instance suggesting the likelihood that someone could fend off a robber was rare.

Gun Thievery

Unfortunately, gun signs may not entirely deter burglars if they are gun thieves, a subset of thieves specializing in stealing guns rather than traditional valuables. They steal guns for potential resale and target buildings that carry firearms.

Thus, having a gun sign may inadvertently encourage gun thieves, who might break into a home even if the owner is there. In that case, homeowners should take extra precautions and facilitate other forms of self-defense and additional security.

Different Ways to Deter Burglars

There are many options to ensure protection for your home. From a choice of 5 security tactics, here is how homeowners can secure their homes:

  • Strategic placement of security stickers and signs.
  • Lock doors, windows, and garages.
  • Maintain a light source illuminating your household at night.
  • Use a secure WiFi system in case of hackers.
  • Install a robust security system.

For the latter, it is best to keep your systems up-to-date. Any loose ends will create risks for the homeowner.

Unfortunately, it is hard to determine how a burglar will react to homeowner security. Most burglars attempt to break into a home regardless of adequate security in place or even when you are home

Choose an Effective Security System to Protect Your Home

Many people tend to fall back on gun signs and other security signs as an added safety measure, with one of the most common reasons being an ineffective security system. Oftentimes, it’s a matter of poor choice between suing a high-quality service provider and a security service authorized by a respected brand.

Paying for security can be expensive, and while there are high-quality choices, those choices tend to increase in price. Still, they are much more effective than a simple sign.

ADT Security

ADT provides electronic security for businesses and residences all across America. In addition, they provide alarm monitoring services and professional customer service for all homeowners. As a result, they are considered number one among Smart Alarm Systems Providers.

Unfortunately, the main drawback for ADT is their prices. ADT is an excellent service, but it can be expensive, and the price to maintain their service can be steep, especially when they upgrade their security tools to newer models. 

Their standard Home Package starts at around $599.

Most homeowners that look to ADT as a prospect may feel deterred just from their price alone. Thankfully, ADT provides a series of authorized dealers and providers for those looking for a cheaper option.

ADT vs. ADT Authorized Providers

Once again, the usage of guns and gun signs as alternate methods are inferred due to decisions made by security providers.

Most people don’t realize there is a difference between a security service like ADT and any authorized provider promoted by ADT. Authorized dealers are independently operated and licensed to sell ADT products. 

The biggest drawback for ADT-endorsed programs comes less from pricing and more from the systems used. ADT-authorized security can arrive at the cost of insufficient protection, possibly due to providers installing older versions of ADT products in their homes. 

That installation may even be more expensive than the standard ADT package. 

Additionally, customers may only get one year of guaranteed service, whereas ADT provides long-term customer satisfaction. It’s important to research before choosing either ADT or ADT-endorsed security to determine which is best for you and your home.


While having a gun sign can provide a different form of security, it may lead to issues down the line for homeowners. For this reason, even if you use guns and gun signs, it’s best to take extra precautions and invest in a high-quality security system.

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