What Do Burglars Wear?

When you think of a burglar, what comes to mind? Gone are the days of burglars in black domino masks and striped shirts, a sack of goods slung across their back. Today, burglars are wearing better,...

Do Burglars Cut Power

An FBI report from 2017 found that nearly 2.5 million burglaries occur annually, with an average of one break-in every 26 seconds. Home security alarms can deter burglars, but you may wonder if a...

Can You Hit a Burglar With a Bat

As you sleep in the night, you hear a noise as if someone’s climbing into your room. Sensing that it was a burglar trying to steal something from your home, you woke up and tried to find something...

Does ADT Raise Rates?

ADT is one of the most popular home security services in the U.S. Many people recognize the little blue octagon in neighbors' yards and windows and want to be part of that safe community. However,...

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